Over the last weekend I attended my 4th Pinky Promise Conference (I’ve been to all of them so far!). Pinky Promise is a women’s ministry founded by Heather Lindsey to encourage women to honor God with their lives (the men’s conference, hosted by Heather’s husband Cornelius was also going on at the same time). There are many local groups groups around the country, and even some international ones. I love being apart of the Tampa group! You can see the full schedule here until they post the one for next year. I recommend it for any woman (and the Man Cave Society for men) that desires to grow closer to Christ! Here’s some of my takeaways (I added YouTube links to the messages)
Thursday: There was a worship concert with Marquita Anthony, Jonathan Traylor and One1Way, and Kirsten Jordan. It was a great start, I saw it as a big “shake it off”, something Heather does before her monthly online teaching to help women let go of their worries, remove distractions, and open their hearts to the message. There’s something about corporate worship that helps you press into God’s presence, but still makes you crave more quiet time with Him.
Friday: The message that night was “Send Me I’ll Go” by Cornelius. Both God and Satan are looking for people to use, we must be available for God. Once we have made up our minds to be used by Him, like soldiers, we must please the One we are enlisted to. When He sends us, it’s not up for debate. He recalled the responses Jonah, Moses, and Isaiah gave God (We must be like Isaiah, “Here I am, send me!”) We fight with the armor of God (the belt of truth holds it all together) and prayer, since our battle is not against flesh and blood.
Saturday: Allyson Rowe’s session “The Joys of Being Single” was so empowering and encouraging. Singleness not just to cope, or get by with. You can thrive, live out your purpose, and be obedient today. When we try to do things on our own power we can create disorder (Ishmael) . Our future spouses need us to be spiritually developed and will not hinder that growth. Heather spoke that night “But I Don’t Feel Ready”. It tied in well with Cornelius’s message the night before. We must not let our assignments become idols that prevent us from doing the next thing God called us to do. Trials during the process prepare us for what’s ahead. It also brings us out of people bondage.
Sunday: The Gathering Oasis service (the church Cornelius pastors) took place at the conference. I was happy I was able to stay this year for the service. Last year I took the mega bus and we had to leave earlier since it takes longer to get back home. The sermon was “Willing to Fight Forever”. Temptation does not disappear once we are born again and does not mean the absence of God. We must always seek the way of escape God promised us.
I was inspired to keep seeking God for myself through my quiet time and throughout the day. Hearing from God is so crucial for all those who live for Him. I was definitely convicted in some areas such as working as working unto the Lord. I remembered I must focus on today’s problems/opportunities and leave the future for the Lord. I have purpose NOW and areas to be obedient in NOW (Matthew 6:34). I must cast my cares on Him. Whether certain things happen in my life or not (like marriage), He is still sovereign. Sometimes I think I will have to dumb myself down spiritually for a relationship, but I’m understanding that my future spouse will value my anointing. Allyson actually posted a snippet of her message on social media that was exactly what I needed to hear.
Here’s 2 answers from the Q&A and some of the music I recorded:
There were many Christian businesses there as vendors as well. I could have bought so much more. Here’s what I bought/got:
- Chic Strands shirt that says “Thou shall love herself unconditionally”
- Karolyne Roberts’s book – The One Revealed
- Handmade Earrings by D.C Designz
- Workout suit by Farah Wester
- Cyrus Speaks‘s latest CD “Reflections” (He said we could play a poem on the podcast!)
- Red flats from the accessory swap (each attendee got one one item, and could get more if they donated items)
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